Using the Google Assignments App

The new Google Assignments app integrates with Google Assignments which enables instructors to create Google Assignments directly in Schoology. Students can work on and submit assignments and the instructor can then provide feedback and grade the submissions, all without leaving Schoology.

With this integration you can:

To use the Google Assignments app, a System Administrator must install the app from the Schoology App Center. Contact the Support Contact at your organization if you do not see the option to use this app in your course. Learn more here: Google Assignments App Administrator Guide. Alternatively, if you are an instructor and a G Suite Admin, you may install the app to use in your Schoology courses.

How to Install the Google Assignments App

Instructors that have G Suite access may install the app to their courses only. System administrators in Enterprise organizations can install the app for the entire organization.

To install the app to your courses:

  1. Click the App Center icon in the header, then click App Center.
  2. Find and click the Google Assignments App.
  3. Click Install LTI App.
  4. Click I Agree to the terms and then Continue to continue with the installation.
  5. To add the app for use in your account, click Install for Me.
  6. Select the courses you wish to install the app to and select Course admins only.
  7. Click Install to complete.
  8. Navigate to your course and click Course Options under the course profile picture.
  9. Under External Tools, click Google Assignments.
  10. Enter the Consumer Key and Shared Secret. You can generate the credentials directly from the Assignments admin console.

How to Create an Assignment Using the App

Instructors can create a Google assignment and add files from their Google Drive directly in their course in Schoology.

Create an assignment using the Google Assignments app

  1. From the Courses menu in the header, select the course in which you're adding the assignment.
  2. Click the Add Materials button at the top of your course Materials page. You can also access the Add Materials button from within a folder.
  3. Click Google Assignments from the dropdown menu.
  4. Sign in to your Google account if this is your first time using Google Assignments. Otherwise, click Continue to proceed. Ensure pop-ups are enabled on your browser.

  • Fill in the Create a Google assignment form.

    Only rubrics created in the Google Assignments app are supported. Rubrics created in your Schoology account cannot be attached to a Google assignment.

    Google Permissions & the Google Assignments App

    Google Drive Folder Hierarchy

    The first time you create an assignment using the Google Assignments app, a new folder titled Assignments automatically generates at the root level in your associated Google Drive. With each new assignment you create, new folders populate automatically with the following hierarchy:

    You and your students should not delete any of the folders and files created via the Schoology integration.

    Managing a Google Assignment in Schoology

    Once you create a Google assignment, you can manage the assignment settings and access submissions directly in Schoology.

    Once a student opens a Google assignment and creates their copy of the assignment, any changes made to the original document will not be reflected in the student copy. However, students who have not yet created their own copy will see the changes once they open the Google assignment.

    Click the gear icon to the right of the assignment on the course materials page to complete additional grade setup. Edits made here are reflected in the Schoology gradebook only. You can make updates here as you would with your other Schoology materials:

    Rubrics created in Schoology are not supported in Google assignments. You can only attach a grading scale to a Google assignment.

    Instructor View

    The instructor view for Google assignments displays the assignment settings and submissions.

    Click the assignment title to open the assignment directly in Google Assignments. From here you may select submissions and return them in bulk:

    Editing Assignments

    As an instructor, you have the ability to edit the assignment settings directly in the Google assignment.

    Any edits to the total points, due date, and title directly in the Google assignment do not transfer to the Schoology gradebook or calendar. See Managing a Google Assignment in Schoology to make edits that are reflected in the course Calendar, Gradebook, and Upcoming area.

    Make any changes to the following settings directly from the Google Assignments view:

    Click the pencil icon to make additional changes to the following:

    Viewing Submissions

    Any student submissions are displayed with the student's name, submitted date, and submission status:

    Grading Submissions

    Click a student’s name from the submissions list to review, give feedback, and grade the submission.

    When viewing submissions, instructors can:

    If you enter a grade directly in the Schoology gradebook, this grade is not displayed in the Google assignment. It is recommended to grade directly in the Google assignment.

    When an assignment is returned:

    Student View

    The student view for Google Assignments displays the total points, due date, and any attached files. Students can open the assignment to work on the file and make a submission.

    Student Experience

    Students accessing a Google assignment may:

    To view a Google assignment:

    Submitting Assignments

    Students can review their work from the Your files area:

    To submit a Google assignment:

    1. Click Submit.
    2. Review the files attached and click Submit to confirm.

    Once submitted, students may not make any further edits unless the instructor unsubmits the assignment. Students may also unsubmit before the due date. If a student wishes to edit the submission after the due date or if the submission is not unsubmitted, click Request Edit Access in the upper-right of the document.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can co-teachers view and grade submissions?

    Can I move files and submissions out of the folders automatically generated in my Google Drive?

    Is Google Team Drive supported?

    Can I attach multiple files to an assignment?

    Can I copy a Google assignment to another course or save to Resources?

    Are linked sections supported?