Business Reporting Templates and Guides

Refrigerant Authorisation holders are required to keep records of refrigerant use, cylinder and equipment maintenance, RHL holder details and a risk management plan. The following templates and guides are provided to assist with this requirement

Electronic file for all quarterly reporting requirements

This spreadsheet has been designed to simplify the recording of quarterly records required as conditions of your Trading Authorisation. While you are not required to use these exact templates, you are required to keep these records on a quarterly basis.

Alternatively, we have made available a PDF version with all quarterly report templates on the one page (excluding nil refrigerant activity report)

Risk Management Plan

A condition of holding a Refrigerant Trading Authorisation is implementing an effective risk management plan, which outlines the handling and storage of refrigerant in the holder’s business. See below for a guide to writing a RMP.

Individual templates for reporting

The following templates are for each quarterly reporting requirement. They are all included in the electronic version above. While you are not required to use these exact templates, you are required to keep these records on a quarterly basis.

Refrigerant Purchase Records

You need to provide a list of your refrigerant purchases. Minimum information required:

Suppliers’ invoices or suppliers’ activity lists cannot be included.

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Refrigerant Sold Records

You need to report on your refrigerant BULK SALES.

Bulk sales means any refrigerant sold which was not part of an installation, service or repair. (E.g. on-selling of refrigerant bottle).

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Refrigerant Recovered / Returned

You need to provide a list of refrigerant that you have recovered.

Please note - only provide records of recovered refrigerant that has been returned to your supplier. Not individual jobs from which refrigerant had been recovered.

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Cylinder Leak & Test Dates

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Equipment Maintenance Records

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