Presentation Convent High School Rawalpindi, is a private Catholic missionary school located in Lalkurti area of Rawalpindi Cantonment, Pakistan. It caters for students seeking an elementary and high school education.
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I have a very good experience since 5 years and I am having an brilliant experience because they are very cooperative . and honest read more
04:52 12 May 22Best school for girls
04:52 25 Oct 21Best School all student love you
18:14 10 Jul 21 10:01 05 Sep 20 18:48 16 Mar 20Excellent experience of my own education. Now my daughter is also studying there..
13:32 23 May 19Best school ever Iahave studied in this school.Best time spent here. Netball matches are the best matches. Study is . also excellent. Missing everyone and the school. Love to sister. read more
11:46 10 May 18I once was a student here in the 70s. my base was this schoola.and after this I went to kuwait from 1st class and . base was made here in this school.and still now I belive that apart from the manners and attictes learned from my parest, this school was the first step in grooming me when I was in nursery or Montessori ot prep.. read more