Write a function called eligible that helps the admission officer of the Graduate School decide whether the applicant is eligible for admission based on GRE scores. The function takes two positive scalars called v and q as in

@Mikail this is a correct output for 99, 88, at least according to the question posted at https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/471264-write-a-function-called-eligible-that-helps-the-admission-officer-of-the-graduate-school-decide-whet#comment_723801 where is says that the individual scores must be over 88% . Over 88% means that 88% exactly is not eligible.

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Answers (9)

VIGNESH B S on 13 Oct 2021

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard function res = eligible(v,q) pass = logical(0); if (avg>= 92 && v >88 && q>88) pass = logical(1);
Steven Lord on 11 Jul 2019

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Nowhere in your function do you define the variable admit the function returns as its output. You haven't shown the full text of the homework question but I suspect it tells you to have your function return true or false instead of printing the text "true" or "false". To do that assign a value to the variable.

admit = true; admit = false;
Moeez ur Rehman Qureshi on 12 Jul 2019

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Screenshot (17).png

I have rewritten my function but still it is giving errors

function admit=eligible(v,q); admit=false Rik on 12 Jul 2019

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard Where are you getting those numbers from in your code? Is that clear from previous context? Steven Lord on 13 Jul 2019

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Reread the question. There are three criteria that the test scores need to satisfy in order for the student to be admitted. You have one of the three correct, one incorrect, and you're missing the third.

Your code rejects the student, but by the criteria in the question they should be admitted. Chech Joseph on 5 Sep 2019

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard Not sure why it is falling the various input test. Please help. function [admit] = eligible(v , q) gre_av = mean([v , q]); admit = true; admit = false if (gre_av >= 92) && (v >= 88 && q >=88); admit = true; admit = false; Walter Roberson on 5 Sep 2019

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard What is the point of assigning true and then false to admit ? Note that "over 88%" does not include 88% . nitish Yadav on 23 Sep 2019

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard function admit=eligible(v,q) if (q+v)/2 >= 92 && (q>88 && v>88) Walter Roberson on 23 Sep 2019

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard q and v are numeric values. When you use the && operator between them, admit=q&&v is defined as admit = true; admit = false; admit = false; However, the assignment makes no mention of testing for zero or not.

In particular when you get to your else branch, admit=~q&&v then that would be true if q was 0 and v was non-zero, leading you to admit someone with a score of 0 for q when the assignment would require that they be rejected because 0>88 is false.

Aramis on 5 Feb 2024

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard This is the BEST FCKN ANSWER function admit = eligible(v, q) admit = mean([v q]) >= 92 && min([v q]) > 88;
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DGM on 5 Feb 2024

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard Edited: DGM on 5 Feb 2024

I was skeptical of the bold claim, but I'm pretty sure this is the cleanest out of all four threads. At least it breaks the pattern of bad practices that everyone keeps recycling.

Jake Armitage on 14 Apr 2021

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After enough struggle I am wondering who can help me understand why I'm returning errors from this program. Thanks

function admit = eligible(v,q) avperc = mean([v,q]); if avperc>= 92 && (v&&q>88) admit = true; else admit = false;
Walter Roberson on 14 Apr 2021

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard As far as MATLAB is concerned, means the same as which is like result is false result is true result is false In MATLAB, the compact way to test if scalars v and q are both > 88 would be but you might as well just use Jake Armitage on 14 Apr 2021

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Thank you Walter. I have edited the code but still return incorrect logical for two of the three calls of the function. I'm evidently still missing something.

This is what I currently have: function admit = eligible(v,q) if mean([v,q])>=92 && v>88 && q>88 admit = true; admit = false; Walter Roberson on 14 Apr 2021

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard admit = eligible(96,89) admit = logical That is correct, the mean is 92.5 and each entry is more than 88 admit = eligible(88,99) admit = logical That is correct, the mean is 93.5 but the first value, 88, is not more than 88 admit = eligible(92,91) admit = logical This is correct, the mean is less than 92 So at the moment I do not see any problems with the code function admit = eligible(v,q) if mean([v,q])>=92 && v>88 && q>88 admit = true; admit = false; ashokkumar rathinam on 7 Jul 2021

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard May I know the reason for two end statement in the programme sir? is it one end statement enough? Rik on 7 Jul 2021

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard One closes the if, the other closes the program.

While using an end to close the program is optional, it is recommended that you do. If functions are explicitly closed with an end, you can use nested functions and you can define local functions in a script.

Tushar Nagar on 13 Dec 2021

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard Edited: DGM on 3 Mar 2023 function admit=eligible(v,q) rv=false;rq=false; if v>88 && avg>=92 if q>88 && avg>=92
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DGM on 3 Mar 2023

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard (A & B) & (C & B) is the same as A & B & C Ankit Sharma on 14 Jun 2022

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard Edited: DGM on 3 Mar 2023 creating a function to get the results function admit = eligible(v,q) % taking input as question required avg = (v+q)/2; % we have to find the average so we can compare it with required variables if (v>88 && avg>=92) && (q>88 && avg>=92) % condition check (logically) wheather v is greater % then 88 and average is greater than 92 and same we are going % to check logically for q and submitting the result in admit admit = true;

else % if above conndition not satisfied then running else function and return false if condition not satisfied

admit = false;
Alexandar on 28 Jun 2022

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard function admit = eligible(v,q) if avg > 92 admit = true(1); elseif v >= 88 && q >= 88 admit = false(0); else admit = 0; I have no clue why this keeps failing. Can somebody please explain why?
Alexandar on 28 Jun 2022

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard function admit = eligible(v,q) gre_avg = (v+q)/2; if (gre_avg >= 92) && (v > 88 && q > 88) Wait, please check why this code is incorrect. Thank you! DGM on 3 Mar 2023

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The output needs to be of class 'logical'. In this example, the outputs are 1 or 0 -- which are numeric.

The functions false() and true() are functions used to create constant-valued logical arrays, much like zeros() and ones() are used to create constant-valued numeric arrays. In the first example, true(1) creates a logical scalar, whereas false(0) creates an empty logical array.