One central location to access the standards and statements that the AICPA develops, issues, and enforces.
Standards and statements include:
Audit and Attest Standards
Audit and attest standards for conducting, planning and reporting on audit and attestation engagements of nonissuers, including clarified Statements on Auditing Standards (SASs); Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAEs); and Statements on Quality Control Standards (SQCSs), as well as archived pre-clarity SASs.
Code of Professional Conduct
The guidance and rules for all AICPA members, for example those in public practice, industry, government and education, to follow in regards to the performance of their professional responsibilities.
Preparation, Compilation and Review Standards
Find standards for performing preparation, compilation, and review engagements of a nonpublic entity.
Consulting Services Standards (PDF 64KB)
Standards for members who provide their clients with a range of consulting services surrounding technological and industry expertise and management and financial skills.
Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs Standards
The AICPA and the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) jointly issue standards for CPE development. Review these standards if you are developing a continuing professional education (CPE) class, publication, webinar or software.
Peer Review Standards
Standards for Performing and Reporting on Peer Reviews for administering, planning, performing, reporting on and the acceptance of peer reviews of CPA firms (and individuals) enrolled in the AICPA Peer Review Program.
Personal Financial Planning Standards
Statement on Standards in Personal Financial Planning (PFP) Services establishes CPA responsibilities for providing PFP services, including estate, retirement, investments, risk management/insurance, and tax planning and serve as authoritative guidance to assist CPAs in the delivery of these services.
Tax Standards
AICPA's Statements on Standards for Tax Services (SSTSs) are enforceable tax practice standards for members of the AICPA. These standards apply to all members regardless of the jurisdictions in which they practice and the types of taxes with respect to which they are providing services.
Valuation Services Standards
The valuation services standards, written by the AICPA Consulting Services Executive Committee to improve the consistency and quality of practice among AICPA members performing business valuations.
Forensic Services Standards
The Statement on Standards for Forensic Services (SSFS) No. 1, issued by the Forensic and Valuation Services Executive Committee, is to protect the public interest by preserving and enhancing the quality of practice of a member performing forensic services.
We are the American Institute of CPAs, the world’s largest member association representing the accounting profession. Our history of serving the public interest stretches back to 1887. Today, you'll find our 431,000+ members in 130 countries and territories, representing many areas of practice, including business and industry, public practice, government, education and consulting.